Family | Passifloraceae |
Genus | 27 (2 assembled genus) |
Species | 750 (4 assembled species) |
SI type | Type-5 |
SI genes | BAHD, YUC6, SPH1 |
Organism Image
The Passifloraceae are a family of flowering plants, containing about 750 species classified in around 27 genera.
They include trees, shrubs, lianas, and climbing plants, and are mostly found in tropical regions. The family takes its name from the passion flower genus (Passiflora) which includes the edible passion fruit (Passiflora edulis), as well as garden plants such as maypop and running pop.
Passiflora vines and Dryas iulia (among other heliconian butterflies) have demonstrated evidence of coevolution, in which the plants attempted to stop their destruction from larval feeding by the butterflies, while the butterflies tried to gain better survival for their eggs.
The former Cronquist system of classification placed this family in the order Violales, but under more modern classifications systems such as that proposed by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, this is absorbed into the Malpighiales and the family has been expanded to include the former Malesherbiaceae and Turneraceae.
Type-4 and -5 are the sporophytic heterostyly SI of Primulaceae and Turneraceae, controlled by hemizygous S-loci mainly encoding CYP (Cytochrome P450) and TsBAHD, respectively. Athough both of them can inactivate pistil BR, they are absent in the long styles, leading to nonself pollen acceptance and self pollen rejection.
Shore JS, Hamam HJ, Chafe PDJ, Labonne JDJ, Henning PM, McCubbin AG. The long and short of the S-locus in Turnera (Passifloraceae). New Phytol. 2019 Nov;224(3):1316-1329. doi: 10.1111/nph.15970.